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Thenerdy9 t1_j5vbovo wrote

I don't think you need to go back further... just maybe choose years that don't include drought?

> Drought in California from 2000–Present

> The U.S. Drought Monitor started in 2000. Since 2000, the longest duration of drought (D1–D4) in California lasted 376 weeks beginning on December 27, 2011, and ending on March 5th, 2019. The most intense period of drought occurred the week of July 29, 2014, where D4 affected 58.41% of California land.


EngagingData OP t1_j5vsbub wrote

that makes sense, I misunderstood you earlier comment.


Thenerdy9 t1_j5vcv3w wrote

sorry I couldn't find the data for exact years but, you seem more resourceful than me so I bet you'd hqve more luck finding those dates if you decide to take my suggestion to improve your graph :)