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[deleted] t1_j3r645l wrote



PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_j3r8k0q wrote

Conversely, that's how ridiculously rich he is now that the difference between 26k and a million is invisible.


1945BestYear t1_j3vzllh wrote

This is part of the reason why it's a bad argument when someone accuses, say, a hollywood director, with a famous name and a big house in LA, of being hypocritical if they say something negative, either directly or in their work, about billionaires. Quintin Tarantino, who's on an extreme end in terms of success and wealth for Hollywood directors, has something like $120 million to his net worth, which means he's worth just below 1000x the median American of his age bracket (about $200,000) At the same time, Elon Musk at $144 billion is worth more than 1000 Tarantinos. If somebody thinks a person as wealthy or even a hundredth as wealthy as Tarantino is 'rich', that's fine, but they gotta see how one is just in a different magnitude to the other.


unklphoton t1_j3t3vh6 wrote

1 million seconds = 12 days. 1 billion seconds = 32 years.


Harasberg t1_j3y33nl wrote

That’s more an illustration of how big the number 1000 is. Still impactful though 😊


Dk1902 t1_j3vlfh4 wrote

No idea how many will see this, but I put together charts for log and inflation-adjusted numbers. The log is pretty interesting, as the log relationship flattens around age 60--as soon as it skyrockets in OP's chart:



miclugo t1_j3w9khe wrote

I think that flattening might correspond to when Buffett seriously started giving away money.


Z7-852 t1_j3s8gir wrote

It's just illustrate how ridecously large number hundred billion is.


Dombo1896 t1_j3v5ojg wrote

That‘s a very healthy gain of 2%. Per week.

Annually 149%.