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HelenEk7 t1_j4aoyvr wrote

Related to the level of access to professionals diagnosing mental health disorders?


OverSomewhere5777 t1_j4f7k7r wrote

Not to mention symptoms fitting into/not fitting into diagnosable western language. One persons depression is another person’s headache.


BugOpen3179 t1_j4ay3pl wrote

No money, no psychiatrist, no diagnosis, that's situation in LATAM at least


Next_Boysenberry1414 t1_j4bbuwh wrote

Not only that. From where I am, a third-world shithole, mental health disorders are highly stigmatized. People go to great lengths to hide stuff.


the_ill_buck_fifty t1_j4f00xh wrote

This is the reason. Remember how 'boys don't cry' America was just 30 years ago?


julietOscarEch0 t1_j4b22ha wrote

Might be factoring in, but the source is attempting to do more than just chart diagnoses.

"based on a combination of sources, including medical and national records, epidemiological data, survey data, and meta-regression models"


Pixielo t1_j4bj911 wrote

Right, but they're not factoring in cultural stigmas against reporting any kind of mental health issue.


julietOscarEch0 t1_j4boft3 wrote

Well reporting is not the only source used. But I agree stigma probably affects many of the sources. Reading around they view these numbers as a minimum estimate and acknowledge there's greater uncertainty in developing countries.

I'd agree you can't immediately assume differences in the numbers are truly differences in the incidence of mental illness, if that's your point.


Pixielo t1_j4c0b6b wrote

Obvs reporting is not the only source. There's also a dearth of medical professionals, period. Oh, and infrastructure.

Thinking that any kind of decent data is coming out of countries where a shaman is consulted before a western medical professional is hilarious.


YaBasically t1_j4az42v wrote

I don't think this can be accurately diagnosed, considering the differences in culture & destabilizing factors that vary across the world...I mean, of course, those in more well developed nations have more data to collect. Whereas, in underdeveloped nations, they might not even have a term for common mental disorders elsewhere. Some cultures are even known to dismiss the idea of "emotional problems" entirely, and in some countries, they don't address mental disorders or disabilities with compassion or understanding at all.

Just saying, I doubt the global population could be counted accurately in this way, given the vast disparities. For instance, I doubt people in places like Afghanistan or Syria (or other war-ravaged countries) could provide the necessary data to quantify anything to be a "global study." But in more developed, wealthier nations, there would be lots of studies & professionals to provide's the difference between "mental well-being" vs physical starvation & basic survival, and that's a huge difference, which is why poorer people in poorer countries have a lower rate of suicide and disorders like "bulimia" are not a thing.

In history, things like mead were created because poor people didn't have clean water to drink. Does that factor into the societies that now have issues with alcoholism? Well, sure...but that also equals access that a desert population wouldn't have. So overall, there's just too many factors to consider-from history to culture to environment, to political or religious wars, etc., etc.- for this graph to be informative.


coyets t1_j4fkgwo wrote

In other words, this is not displaying the proportion of the population in each country that has a mental disorder, but the proportion that is diagnosed as having one, which in turn is mainly measuring the cultural and political significance in each country given to treating mental disorders.


YaBasically t1_j4knoiv wrote

That would be a more accurate claim at least, but that helps me clarify the main & inevitable issue with this graph overall...because yes, it does reflect a cultural emphasis on mental health in some places, but not others at the same time. For I wouldn't say that New Zealanders or Australians place more of a cultural significance on diagnosing disorders than other nations, or that they are naturally more prone to mental disorders or addictions within their populations, but I can say that, historically, these were 'prison colonies' of other nations for centuries and access to alcohol or drugs were not as culturally restrictive as it was elsewhere, which is basically like "hello issues!" The same could be said for the United States, which was also historically used to imprison criminals from Europe, but meanwhile, in other nations, criminals of the same sort were simply eradicated from existence. So is that what this graph reflects? The consequences of how populations have addressed mental health issues over time? Or does it reflect more current cultural standards? Which holds more significance? Is it culture & environment, or more inherent, like genealogical? Truth is, it's all of these things, in very small the midst of many other parts...extremely complicated & ever-changing parts...all of which are too significant alone not to be considered & counted towards any "global" or "universal" claim.

I'd say this is simply an impossible thing to map, but that's just my opinion. This graph, however, is most certainly too flawed to definitively reflect anything beyond...well...those who carried out & participated in the mapping- or in other words, their definition of the issues they've attempted to map.

Given what I know to be true, such a graph is useless without complete context- or in other words, any 'graph' is useless in regards to 'mental health' in a general or global context.


YaBasically t1_j4kq1af wrote

Another thing is, that even tho the dark red coloring indicates more of 'problem' in certain areas, that's really misleading, isn't it? I mean, if you consider that this graph COULD be reflecting the populations in the world who do consider mental health to be a significant issue...isn't the first step to addressing a problem, acknowledging that it exists?

I think that's a problem with this graph- it doesn't differentiate between those who are progressing towards solutions vs. those who are dismissing problems...but then again, I live in one of the glaring red places! ;) Of course, I'm biased.


Mattweiser t1_j4h3l4a wrote

Or, Americans have no real issues, and focus on made up issues


YaBasically t1_j4kr9ol wrote

Lol...that's an interesting remark, considering the topic!


CloverLandscape t1_j4b3mpv wrote

Finally a statistics where there's no data on South Korea but there's on North


josefjson t1_j4awxiu wrote

Australia and New Zealand top the charts. How are you guys? And I mean how are you really.


dog_eat_god t1_j4cd7p5 wrote

Sure, Russians are more sane than Aussies and Kiwis...does vodka cure depression now?


TheSussyIronRevenant t1_j4ei1zc wrote

I mean its a statistic, no need to be butthurt lol


dog_eat_god t1_j4ej4xm wrote

The point is it's a statistic from a corrupt country that you can't trust data from. That flew way over your head lol, nobody here is butthurt..the Russian military maybe, but not me!


Legitimate-Builder82 t1_j4andxx wrote

Interesting. Wasn't expecting Aus and NZ to be in the red.


Pixielo t1_j4bjdek wrote

Smaller populations, with better access to healthcare, and fewer stigmas against seeking help with mental health.


Legitimate-Builder82 t1_j4bjq8e wrote

Yep, thought as much. Far worse countries to be a citizen of then Aus and NZ, I am sure.


estanislao1883 t1_j4b4bn3 wrote

These things are curious they compare data about population from western countries with data from countries like Sudan, Saudi Arabia or North Corea. Really reliable.


TwelveTwelfths t1_j4cjvu9 wrote

Meh, might as well relabel the map to countries most willing / capable of diagnosing mental health disorders. There's zero covid in China too.


bullish_taco t1_j4cosqt wrote

The americas be having the privilege to complain about being a lil sad instead of worrying about dying it seems


J-D_M t1_j4dhzkg wrote

🤔😜Bad Data from poor, insufficient, & skewed sources.😥😡

Poorer countries are more concerned about clean water, food, clothing, shelter, and Physical Health, and Mental Health is far down the list of priorities.

People there can barely see a nurse, let alone a doctor, and an expensive psychiatrist or psychologist is a rare sight to see.



cliveparmigarna t1_j4du4q8 wrote

Another way you could show this chart is $ spent per capita on a therapist/psychologist/psychiarrist


mynameismy111 t1_j4emx7k wrote

Can't have a disorder if not diagnosed?


horse_911 t1_j4euste wrote

I’d love to see it by state in the US


Sunny_Reddy18 t1_j4fi7s0 wrote

The reason why developing nations have less is because they aren't diagnosed

I know cuz iam from a developing nation


Roots_on_up t1_j4bq87n wrote

We'll, the US may be among the craziest, but at least we have the most guns.


YaBasically t1_j4krq3j wrote

I don't think your comment is as appreciated as it should be, but it tickled me for sure!


Ritzy__Kitty t1_j4cfby1 wrote

This is so awful, the government knows how bad people are doing but they keep making things harder, all they care about is making mindless people to make money for them.


Piranhaswarm t1_j4av1ss wrote

These are all the crazy countries that fcuked up the planet. Interesting


kwctech t1_j4cefvd wrote

I can vouch for Canada. Free healthcare equals Shit healthcare. No doctors. Uncontrolled mass immigration.


BobLoblaw_BirdLaw t1_j4asmof wrote

Looks like rich countries have problems, where everyone trying to get even richer and the grass looks always greener than your neighbor. Guess living a simple basic life helps.


Iaintyourclownbro t1_j4aw1is wrote

When you aren’t worried about basic survival (food, water, shelter) you have plenty of time to ponder how fucked consciousness is.


uno_ke_va t1_j4ax3uv wrote

That, and psychologically the situations where you feel that you have accomplished something are more common when you struggle to make ends meet (of course, as long as they end up meeting). When the only thing you have to worry about is if you eat fish or meat tomorrow... well, you need to push yourself to reach some other goals, otherwise it starts happening what you say: plenty of free time fucks your mind.


Pixielo t1_j4bjrzx wrote

When there are more medical professionals, people receive more care. When there's educational outreach about mental health issues, people seek out help. When there are fewer social stigmas against receiving care for mental health issues, people seek out care.

>Guess living a simple basic life helps

No, it doesn't. There are simply far fewer services available, coupled with massive stigmas against receiving such help, better to just go see the local shaman.


BobLoblaw_BirdLaw t1_j4cyg07 wrote

You can’t deny that fighting for survival isn’t a distraction that allows you to forego the existential angst humans feel once they have plenty of down time. Which I’d say is a greater factor than service availability which is also important