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Gifted_Gengar OP t1_j4mp9c7 wrote

This is data I collected from my credit card statements, and created the chart on Google sheets Edit: To clarify “nerd collecting” is retro video games and trading cards


RUng1234 t1_j4mpd6z wrote

You spent to much on dates 😉


Fire_Stone_Skag t1_j4mpr6g wrote

If I did this in college is would be 50% alcohol and 50% Walmart…


phdoofus t1_j4msa4b wrote

I had money for none of this except the occasional pizza.


1purenoiz t1_j4n1xa8 wrote

Perfect example of when not to use pie charts. To many categories, hard to compare quickly. As they taught in my data visualization class, don't make people remember.

Not ugly, but not beautiful (only speaking about the viz, not the data).


ElectionOver4Hours t1_j4n326a wrote

If I included rent and bills as one colour my piechart would nearly become monochrome


ChalkboardRacer t1_j4nez02 wrote

It would be nice to have. The total dollars spent in the middle of the graph


static_void_function t1_j4ngfu3 wrote

I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.

-George Best (English Footballer)


foxisilver t1_j4nis3c wrote

Outside of gas and maybe school it’s all entertainment. Beneficial budget/spending tracking typically broken down something like: housing, transportation, savings, life (food, clothing, entertainment, etc).


wantAdvice13 t1_j4olc2f wrote

Hold on, no food like regular meals? Or it’s included in room and board?


Neat_Ad_3158 t1_j4ow9l2 wrote

What is vacation? Lol my idea of a vacation was driving home to during the holidays.


F_n_Doc t1_j4pft9c wrote

Those alcohol numbers are rookie numbers, I’m going to need you to bump those up.


ThrowRA_5318008 t1_j4rf6mp wrote

Sorting the categories in descending order by dollars spent would go a long way toward straightening up this chart and making your spending habits easier/faster to understand.