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bp92009 t1_j56s2ho wrote

Agreed, given that if you care solely about the performance of the economy, you vote for the Democratic party. There are far too many people who have regressive opinions about abortion and vote against their economic best interests and voted for Republicans.

Source for the evidence that Democrats give a better return on investment in the stock market than Republicans, going back to 1946.


Gabagool1987 t1_j56u0v9 wrote

Because the economy’s been so great under Biden lmao

>voting against their interests

“Why won’t the peasants do what I want”

Go give Biden a big thumbs up next time you can manage to find some eggs or baby formula to buy


bp92009 t1_j56x32a wrote

Perhaps you can point to any economic policies that the Republican party actively advocates for and are opposed by the Democratic party, that are proven to reduce the cost of eggs and baby formula, as demonstrated to actually work in another developed economy?

For the answer to be taken seriously, please provide a policy that Republicans advocate for, where it has been implemented elsewhere that actually resulted in a drop in prices for those (or similar) items, and how Democrats are opposing it.


9_Cans_Of_Ravioli t1_j56xyak wrote

So, Biden is responsible for avian flu and the cooperate monopoly on baby formula? Is that correct? Try again.


Me_Melissa t1_j56ve89 wrote

Do you have any data more substantive than "here's a couple products that had supply-driven price spikes in recent memory"?


Atom-the-conqueror t1_j57ufow wrote

You’re in the wrong sub, data or bounce. Emotional opinions and personal experience have zero value.