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t1_jc564sn wrote

Calling your own work 'fabulous' is a little unusual.


OP t1_jc5ncpy wrote

True but i didn't call my own work fabulous, i meant the main work. :)


t1_jc6qi9w wrote

I see. Typically, when you say "this thing" you're referring to the most recent mention of that thing. So "Here's my article. This article is fabulous." is probably not the structure you want. You really should reference the paper or the researchers you're writing about straight away, if that's what you're doing here. Even after skimming your article, that isn't clear.

It's a cautionary tale about "this" really. A tip that has helped my writing is to accumulate a list of words that I tend to over-use that add nothing and search for them in the editing process. Words like "this, really, just, again," and so on.


OP t1_jcu1yfy wrote

:) yess I see, thanks. If you like we can talk more and give me more feedback or/and comments; thus I can improve. :)


t1_jc5yjdv wrote

Own it bro, don’t listen to the haters. If your work is fabulous, call it fabulous, literally nobody can stop you and nobody that appreciates your work will care what you call it as long as it contributes to moving things forward.