Submitted by t3_12749vf in deeplearning

Do you know any Deep Learning course that covers topics such as attention, self-attention, transformes, diffusion models, and eventually LLM? It would be great if it has theory but also applications and examples.

Context: I work as a ML eng, and I have experience working with CNNs, GANs, LSTMs and some other architectures. In the last years I've been mostly doing backend or working with simple ML stuff. I would like to be updated (again).

They can be free or paid. Thanks!



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t1_jedgb9t wrote

What I usually do is read the most noteworthy research papers and then check the implementation on GitHub. I’m taking Aaron Courvilles classes and they are good but without going through a degree the best choice would probably be Karpathy (plus all the links shared by


t1_jeh3rlg wrote

I am really enjoying the course by You build a DL library called Needle from scratch throughout the lectures. They also offer notebooks and tests to pass, so it's more than just videos.

It's also by CMU, but the videos are different than the one referenced by , though I plan on watching that one too.

They cover transformers and other network types, but I haven't gotten that far in the videos yet. I'm still implementing an automatic differentiator.

I have found that Karpathy videos are really good too, though I'm not following them too closely yet.