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sqweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps t1_j20alj8 wrote

Reply to comment by Horneur in Making an AI play LoL by Horneur

There is no game theory function. I’m confused on how you landed to this line of thinking. Try out league-play reinforcement learning strategies here on a simple game like tic tac toe. It should play enough games to learn the best move in every scenario.


Horneur OP t1_j20b19u wrote

I don't know maybe translation bad but since game theory is maths it have formula no? Nvm, I will try the tic tac toe one. Thank you.


sqweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps t1_j20b6hu wrote

You should do some reading on what game theory is too. It will be necessary to have a general approach for the harder games


dusan3sic t1_j23u7h5 wrote

Neural networks are just some complex formulas. Not that it involves some complex and fancy mathing it is just multiplication and addition with applied non-linearity. I would suggest making some simple neural networks for like digit recognition using MNIST database. After you understand all the maths than you can go deeper.