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junetwentyfirst2020 t1_j3kmct1 wrote

Have you tired to overfit on a single piece of data to ensure that your model can actually learn? You should be able to get effectively 100% acc overfitting. If you can’t do this then you have a problem


vagartha OP t1_j3kmj7i wrote

That’s a really good idea lol. I’ll try that and get back to you.

As an aside, do you always do this to test your process?


junetwentyfirst2020 t1_j3kqzbm wrote

Every time! Training can take a long time so I’d hate to walk away and come back the next day and see it stuck 😭 this will work even if your labels are incorrect.


Garbage-Shoddy t1_j3lzwxm wrote

I also do this. Always verify that the model is actually able to learn “something”. After that you can go ahead and solve the task at hand. That way, you can be (more) sure about your model working correctly.