Submitted by PartyTerm4817 t3_11eda4k in explainlikeimfive
Wishyouamerry t1_jadcvja wrote
Antibodies can also be transmitted to the baby through breastmilk, especially the early breastmilk called colostrum.
lc9984 t1_jaeh6mv wrote
Babies don't "inherit" immunity in the sense that it's passed down genetically. During the last three months of pregnancy, antibodies from the mother are passed to the unborn child through the placenta. The antibodies are what give them immunity. Also, after birth, breast feeding will similarly pass on antibodies from the mother to the child.
[deleted] t1_jadacvn wrote
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[deleted] t1_jadjeok wrote
Phage0070 t1_jae8ysb wrote
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AxOwOtl t1_jadahrk wrote
Babies share blood with their mom, in the womb, Antibodies and other cells are already in the mom’s blood, and the baby gets some of them.