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a4mula t1_ja9v8pw wrote

I'd have to assume you live in a climate that affords you that luxury. Not all do.

Anyone that's ever faced the 60 mph frozen winds of Lake Michigan would probably take a different stance on what is considered essential clothing than someone on the dry arid planes of Texas.


Zbignich t1_ja9zbf7 wrote

People also need clothes to protect from harmful solar rays.


a4mula t1_jaa4bdx wrote

That's a fair assessment, and essential survival can certainly be applied to different scales.

The difference seems to be one of immediacy. You could survive a long time assuming your other needs are met, without protection from the sun.

You cannot survive for long regardless of ulterior needs without protection from the cold.


macedonianmoper t1_jaalina wrote

You don't even need to go that far, 10 degrees with any wind and you're fucked, you might not die but you wouldn't be fine


a4mula t1_jaam1sp wrote

Extremes tend to prove the point in a way that most can understand. It could be argued that lesser variations could be survived by particular individuals. Not many can argue that a naked human would make it on the streets of a cold Chicago winter for long.