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dirschau t1_j8rbu8x wrote

>Not knowing about a thing doesn't mean it's not a thing.

I believe you that it's a thing now, but it's just funny how offended you are when you just said it's literally only a ten year old thing, considering "moonshine" has been a thing for well over a 150.

So yes, I didn't know a bunch of corporations appropriated a pre-existing term about the same time the first Avatar came out. My bad, lol.

>And whatever you had was probably not made by a commercial distiller

Wow, how did you know!?

>Because I did have alcohol from an amateur still, fermented from whatever was available

Oh, right


MaleficentPi t1_j8s10cs wrote

Prison whiskey is not whiskey, friend.

It's sad to see someone work so hard to still show so little knowledge.


dirschau t1_j8sdeyy wrote

...yeah, I know, that's literally what I've been saying. It's actual bootlegged alcohol. Like, you know, traditional moonshine, not Moonshine™

Because that was the original point. That moonshine, until circa 2010 apparently, was the colloquial term (slong with hooch) for bootlegged alcohol.