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stairway2evan t1_jaeb0sa wrote

Insurance broker here! The primary cause of auto insurance increases (especially in the US) over the past two decades has been skyrocketing healthcare costs - and this also affects business's liability and workers' comp insurances (which pass along to the consumer) as well as personal homeowners insurance, because that also includes liability.

The property damage of an accident is usually pretty limited - a few new parts, the occasional totaled car, but these are all costs with a reasonable limit. But healthcare costs rising means that the liability is increasing - even a minor accident with mild whiplash can wind up costing thousands of dollars in medical costs, and accidents with serious bodily injury will quickly add up or hit even hit the insurance limits.

Right now specifically, because of the state of the economy, aftershocks of the supply chain issues and worker shortages, the property damage is actually becoming a bigger factor. A lot of property insurance rates are going way up right now, for exactly that reason, and it's affecting the auto rates as well. But the economic factors like that are going to come and go - the constant for several decades now has been the factor that healthcare costs play on the liability side of your insurance; that's what's generating the majority of the premium that you're paying for auto coverage.