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Priceiswrongbitches t1_jefk1zk wrote

I guess I'm not really getting it. I starred a couple of the dark blue hats here. It looks to me like these are the exact same orientation and every other shape around them is the same too. So this pattern has already repeated itself just within a roughly 10x5 block of hats. Am I missing something?


Sapphire580 t1_jefzmxr wrote

With the birds, if you slid it over even one row of the pattern it would be the same shape, with the hats you’ve got to go over 10 rows and down 2 to get the pattern to even be similar that means how far would you have to go straight over for the pattern to repeat on the same row, and that’s using one shape.


whomp1970 t1_jeflppv wrote

It's a lot more complicated than that, and I'm not really the best to explain that. I don't really understand the math myself, but I do understand the basic idea they're explaining.

But I think of of the keys is, you have to look at a much larger patch. Like, everything in that image, plus a few more equally sized blocks, together, don't repeat.