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Guitar_t-bone t1_je7n7gn wrote

I don’t think it works that way… I know they make you sign a thing when you DONATE blood because they have to take legal possession of it in order to eventually sell it…. But testing? No such relinquishing of property rights occurs… 🧐🧐🧐


Skusci t1_je7nika wrote

Should read whatever contract you sign. There's almost certainly a provision for how your blood is handled. It's mostly to keep people from thinking that the place might give your blood to someone and put it in a database or whatnot, -but- it also serves as them letting you know you aren't getting it back.

Edit: Just remembered some places do infact keep your bits after testing, but that's for like when you provide your blood to a research project, not like STD tests or whatnot.