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Saeryf t1_jefsfpw wrote

Allergy-wise, I'm allergic to "Nemantine" which had me absolutely irate at the tiniest perceived thing.


_eta-carinae t1_jefw69e wrote

do you mean memantine, the antiparkinsonian medication? all i could find when i looked nemantine up was that, with a few websites, most in foreign languages, that listed nemantine where it seemed either to be a typo or alternate generic name


Saeryf t1_jefwqqq wrote

Ah, Memantine is probably the one although I do usually get generics so who knows, lol. It was being used for migraines or insomnia or something at the time.

They wanted me to "try to acclimate to it for a couple of weeks" when I was living with 2 domestic abuse survivors and was already setting off PTSD in the first couple of days.