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dmazzoni t1_jdyyy51 wrote

The general medical consensus is that there is no harm in taking paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce a fever. It will not prolong the illness or reduce the body's ability to fight it, so it's okay to take some as needed for comfort.

Don't believe me, believe actual medical professionals from mainstream publications:

I'm sure you can find some doctors who disagree. But this is most definitely the consensus of the vast majority.


[deleted] t1_jdz73ut wrote



tiph12 OP t1_jdzo3su wrote

Oh, how come ? Would you happen to have a source for that, apart from the TrustMeBro News Network? 😄


[deleted] t1_jdzow45 wrote



SnooCompliments6329 t1_je06rmb wrote

As a patient I always ask if I can take paracetamol or a stomach protector with ibuprofen, because I can't handle ibuprofen more than 2 days without it damaging my stomach. But I was told that its better for inflamations


tyler1128 t1_jdzpbyw wrote

It's also worth adding that people often put over emphasis on fever. It's generally also safe to let them ride unless it goes over 105 F, 41.5 C in which case it's getting close to being harmful, but suppressing also doesn't seem to have all that much of an effect on the course of the illness. It is possible that in severe illness before the development of modern medicine it was medically advantageous, but we now have better tools than fever to treat such things like antibiotics or other drugs depending on the illness.
