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t1_je9mgyo wrote

This actually varies a lot depending on the area you are talking about. Some countries have great infrastructure even outside of cities. Others however are lacking a lot of infrastructure. A lot of this can be traced back to how colonizing nations were running their colonies, and then how the US/USSR were using infrastructure aid to help their warlords conduct their operations in the different African countries and then now how China, Russia and the EU is investing in infrastructure that favors their interests. All this foreign efforts are quite disruptive for the local infrasturcture construction. But again it varies a lot between the different countries and you can not say much general about the entire continent as a whole.


t1_je9tv6s wrote

Yeah, it does and there are a lot of reasons. There's also the fact a lot of Africa is mostly small communities in sparsely populated but vast regions. Just "giving everyone all the food and water they need" from foreign aid really isn't a feasible strategy at least currently. Ideally, we'd help communities themselves get more self-sufficient than just send things constantly.


t1_jea4lwy wrote

For a landmass of it's size, Africa has unusually linear coastlines with very few (compared to other continents) suitable seaports.