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Adversement t1_je6xks9 wrote

Pretty much yes. For normal users, the modern almost ubiquitous end-to-end encryption just exists and works, and the two officially use pretty much identical key exchange.

Whatsapp even allows the user to check (offline, or IRL face-to-face, or say by sending the shown check data by a letter) that you and the other end of a given chat are actually an end-to-end encrypted pair (which would bust a third-party man in the middle impostoring as your friend for you and vice versa for your friend). Of course, Whatsapp is closed source app (but then again, did you build your Signal yourself from source on your device, and do you trust the source audits...).

So, probably depends on why you need it. Nice to have, especially as it should reduce Whatsapp to just use your metadata for marketing purposes (like to whom and when and how often) and not the actual message contents. Signal pf course doesn't do even that.


PippenDunksOnEwing t1_je6zy92 wrote

Appreciate your detail response.

I went over to Signal for privacy purposes and like you said metadata mining; yet majority of my friends remain at WhatsApp so it's really hard to stay away...