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KozuBlue t1_ixi8ayz wrote

Clinical Psychologist here. This is taking on board the fact you said you don't want to act on these thoughts. I can't really speak for you specifically as we haven't had an assessment together, but these thoughts really are normal. We can't control things like this. The problem is not the thoughts. The problem is worrying about the thoughts, and trying to control them.


redrehtac t1_ixj3smv wrote

I’m curious about thought looping. I’ve been in therapy and medicated for a while now so the worst intrusive thoughts are gone but I still get thoughts that just loop and loop and loop and some days it feels like it won’t ever stop. I have to have constant noise like a podcast or music in the background most of the time. I’d love to be able to just enjoy silence with out the looping


Salesopolis t1_ixj7kjr wrote

.... other people don't experience thoughts in the form of loops?


redrehtac t1_ixj8oa0 wrote

Maybe?? No one has mentioned it to me before so…other than like a song getting stuck in someone’s head? Idk man.


femmestem t1_ixk4cjx wrote

I used to until I got on OCD meds. It was unsettling how quiet my brain has been. I'm now baffled as to how thinking happens when I can't hear myself think anymore.


septembersoul t1_ixkc9dh wrote

>It was unsettling how quiet my brain has been.

May I ask what meds are you on, for how long and how much mg? I started with escitalopram a month and 1/2 ago, seems like I have a long way to go. OCD as well.


overlyambitiousgoat t1_ixl5a8h wrote

I don't suppose you've got any recommendations for scientific literature that deals with intrusive/obsessive thoughts, do you?

I struggle with this stuff pretty severely (repetitions of phrases like, "you're worthless trash" etc. at <5 minute intervals, all day, every day, for decades). I've been through many years of medication and therapy/mindfulness/etc., and nothing has been even remotely effective on this front.

Dense material is best, but I'll eagerly take anything at all that might be helpful or interesting.