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DicknosePrickGoblin t1_ixypxwe wrote

And why separate gay and lesbian when both are just as homosexual, why lump transgender with them when it's a different thing altogether?, bisexuals are also technically homosexual that also happen to be part hetero but, as that is the default state and heteros don't seem to wave flags because of it, they could be grouped with the rest of homosexual community. Thought people hated labels but turns out they love them and keep coming with more and more niche ones in a ridiculous effort to differentiate from the rest.


jensjoy t1_ixz2bgp wrote

>And why separate gay and lesbian when both are just as homosexual

Serious question or am I missing obvious satire?


shimonlazarov t1_ixzfxnv wrote

It’s serious. Homosexual means attracted to the same sex. Like homologous, homogenous, etc…


jensjoy t1_ixzgnbo wrote

Gay/lesbian are different groups of people facing different issues.