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CedarWolf t1_iya068a wrote

Because you want to engage people. You want people to see your listing, and since people often search by lowest price available, more people will see your listing if you start the bidding low.

Similarly, if the bidding starts low, but several people bid on it, it seems like demand for that item is higher and people become more willing to bid higher on that item.


onajurni t1_iyafrzx wrote

This is it. It's giving room for more bidding so that people will think the item must be worth more. Not everyone will fall for that. But it only takes a few to keep the bidding going higher and higher.


tdscanuck t1_iya37o6 wrote

You don't want the bidders to know the minimum price you're willing to sell at...that gives them information that can only hurt the seller.

Suppose a bidder thinks it's worth $1000 to them, then they see the seller has set a minimum bid of $10. They're going to rethink whether their value estimate is correct. That's bad for the seller.

Knowing the other party's "willingess to pay" (minimum price they'd sell for/maximum price they'd pay) is HUGELY valuable. The entire point of price negotiations is to try to figure out this number for your opponent without disclosing your own. You don't give that information away lightly or without good reason...seller disclosing that to the bidders in an auction just hurts the seller.

Edit: had "buyer" & "seller" reversed, now fixed.


jus1scott t1_iya7hwk wrote

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like everytime you use the word "buyer" you're actually talking about the 'seller.'


tdscanuck t1_iya7q30 wrote're absolutely right. I will fix the top comment. Thank you.


SoulWager t1_iya67c4 wrote

It's psychological. Having to compete with other people for an item increases the perceived value of the item, and more people are competing for it at the lower starting price. Also, someone that really wants the item may have a higher starting bid if there's a minimum reserve, because they're effectively bidding against the seller.

Lets say there's some antique you want to get at least 100 dollars for, and this is the normal going price for the item. If you start the bidding at that price you might not get anybody to make the first bid, because It's not a particularly good deal. They're only going to pay that if they were going to buy one anyway. If you start the bidding at $50, however, you might get a couple people to start bidding that know it's a good deal at that price. Once they're in competition, they want to win the item, and may be willing to pay 110 for it.


BurnOutBrighter6 t1_iya6dzg wrote

>Why not just set the minimum bid at the lowest price you’d be willing to sell at

Because if the buyers know you'd be willing to sell it for [x low price], there's less reason for them to bid any higher than that.

Even if you get lucky as a seller and there's a bidding war, if all the sellers know you'd be willing to sell for $100, odds are nobody's going to bid $1000. If the "lowest price you'd be willing to sell for at all" is a mystery to the bidders, it encourages higher bids.


-WhatCouldGoWrong t1_iyaepo3 wrote

assuming you are talking about an auction house (that takes a %) rather than an online auction site (that charges per listing)


The reserve gives the auctioneer a guide. he won't sell your thing for less than you will accept just to get his percent


For online.. well. they get their listing fee (and if for example the interested parties have to use the auction houses online payment service, they are guaranteed a transaction fee also)


But starting bidding at below reserve allows action to happen. If you ever go to an auction it's tempting to get all excited over an item and stick your hand up. Once that feeling passes you just chill on an item you like, allow the auctioneer to keep lowering the price then get involved once the action starts


For online, maybe there is 50 watchers but everyone is looking for a bargain cost of living cris and all that, by allowing anyone to bid 50p with 10minutes to go when the reserve is £50, all of a sudden a whole bunch of preset bids can be triggered and just maybe the price goes to reserve or above


By not showing the reserve then (as others have said) this can help to start action and drive up the price, which is exactly what the auctioneer wants (for his % to improve in the example of bricks and mortar) or you do actually get a sale and then the auctioneer gets their transaction fee also (for example ebay) and is best for you (so you get more £ from the sale)


Specialist-Big2165 t1_iyaj2ge wrote

Another reason I haven't seen listed is that setting a blind minimum educates you to what market value actually is. If I think an item is worth 5k, but the market is only willing to pay 3k for it, I will learn that from setting a blind minimum. If I just start at 5k and no one bids, I never learn how far off the mark I am.


me_at_myhouse t1_iybeppe wrote

You could also look at the 'completed listings' option on ebay that shows you what the winning bid price was for the same item.

I usually check for the completed listing value. If I feel the price is fair, I set my item to Buy It Now at that price , and require immediate payment.

Makes the sale quick and convenient. Otherwise you have to wait for the auction to end, and then sometimes days for the bidder to get around to making payment.


onajurni t1_iyacvl5 wrote


The bidding starts low to get bidders jumping in with great hopes of getting something for less than its true value, the reason they came to the auction. A lot of bidding encourages bidders to think the item may be worth more based on the behavior of other bidders. Bidders know there is a reserve, but they hope it is set low and that the seller just wants to get this thing sold, even below market value. But the seller wants to have a reserve price to protect them in case the bidding does not go high enough.

But starting the bidding high - at the seller's reserve price - signals that this bargain is not going to happen. Bidders figure that the winner will probably end up paying full market price and bidding may even go above that. So why even bid when they could get more selection for the same price at a store or a dealer.

Yes, it seems contradictory to encourage bidders into thinking they will win for less than true value, while assuring the seller that it won't sell for less than close to true value. But that's what auctions are all about. Auctions are about the game and the emotion. The psychology is very different from simple fixed-price selling.

More detailed explanation:

My experience with many auctions of high-dollar and low-dollar items: Auction buying is more emotional than rational. Auction buying is a game. Many people behave differently about their decisions than they do when buying an item at a set price off the shelf, with no one else competing for that one item.

Bidding needs to start very low to get people to make the first bid and pull in more early bids, to get the bids flowing and the energy going. Even if those bidders know they will be bidding higher to win.

Brisk bidding encourages people to think this item may be worth more based on the behavior of the other bidders. It can also trigger the competitive spirit of some buyers who want to win.

But the seller will be anxious about selling too far below market value, so the auctioneer allows the seller to set a reserve price below which the seller doesn't have to sell. (If higher bids aren't coming in, though, the seller may be asked if they are willing to let it go for below reserve.)

This example is how not having a reserve is likely to work: A car at a public auction has a probable market value of $10,000. The prospective bidders know that. The seller doesn't want to sell it for less than $9,000. If the auctioneer opens bidding at $9,000, there is a chance that very few bid and it doesn't go much higher. Or maybe no one bids. Because they are all sitting there thinking "Well heck I could just go down to the used car dealer and have more selection for the same thing at very near the same price."

Starting the bidding at close to market value is not why the buyers came to the auction. They came for 'bargains', even if that's not what they end up buying in the end.

Conversely, if the auctioneer opens the bidding at $5,000 (half of the reserve) lots of people jump in! Bidders tell themselves maybe no one else will bid it up very much, I'll get a $10,000 car for much less! They know there is a reserve but don't know what it is and think that maybe this seller will let it go for a low amount, just to have it sold.

Then auction psychology kicks in, and each subsequent bidder is thinking "Yes I'd give $5,200 for that" ... "Yes I'd give $7,000 for that" ... and so forth. The bids keep coming.

As the upward bidding continues to play out, the competitive spirit will take over in some people. Some others will revise their perceived value upward based on how they see others bidding. This is the crux of auctions.

But it doesn't happen if the bidding opens so high that there isn't room for much bidding before the market value of the item is reached. So the auctioneer allows the seller to set a reserve price, thus allowing the opening bid to be quite low so that lots of people will bid, without risking a sale at a super-low price.

A few bidders may even convince themselves that this car is worth having at possibly more than $10,000. Eventually the car that started bidding at $5,000 against a market value of $10,000 may finish up at $12,000, just from this psychology. That doesn't happen every time, of course, but it happens enough that people keep selling things at auction.

This is as true with online auctions as it is at in-person auctions.

Of course there are plenty of people for whom the auction dynamic makes no sense at all. They don't get emotionally caught up in it as others do. Low opening bids, reserves and bidding generally doesn't compute for them. They are not auction buyers! lol And that's ok, there are plenty of other ways to buy stuff. Auctions are for people who like auctions.

Auctions are a very different creature from ordinary selling at a fixed price. Something about human nature has people behaving very differently when bidding/buying at auctions. Auctions are fascinating to watch from a human behavior standpoint.