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[deleted] t1_iya26x1 wrote



Cannie_Flippington t1_iybhrna wrote

You do realize that human milking and mastitis risk is dramatically different from cows... The structure of their mammaries is completely different. For one, you can't hand-milk a person the way you can a cow. A cow the milk practically falls out so yes the suction pumps are actually more effective than a calf's sucking.

Hormones are part of it because even machine milking is more effective if the cows can see or have recently fed their calves but in a human? It's almost all hormonal. You can get a couple ounces just by relaxing but you can't even get a full meal for the little sucker without practically meditating on how much you love that little gummy smile.

Humans have not been selectively bred for 10000 years for milk yield. We have, however, evolved our guts to be able to produce lactase enzymes for our entire lives. I struck out though. I produce lactase but my immune system freaks out if it sees whey.

And doing AI for all the breeding... when you could just rent a bull and let him do the work? Or hek, with enough cows you can just provide your own bull and do bull-swaps with a neighboring farm. Why would you pay for something the bull will do for free? Maybe if you're on a tight schedule... but still... a cow's routine healthcare involves sticking your hand up their butts all the time. You're lucky that human healthcare splurges on expensive scanning tools now and that our organs are a lot smaller so palpating things through the intestinal wall isn't very helpful or that's what we'd be getting too.

And just buy milk from a farm that keeps the calves with the mommas. Be the change you want to see in the industry.