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generous_cat_wyvern t1_iyayncx wrote

>He advocated instead for what he called "structured programming" which is really just programming as anyone born after maybe 1964 understands it.

I don't know why this part made me laugh so much! But yeah, it was revolutionary at the time, but now it's considered very basic fundamentals.


Sloloem t1_iybi5pc wrote

Yeah I kindof had a moment when I realized that paper was so old it predates not only C, but also C's predecessor B...and we still talk about it. I'd worked in languages without loops before and actually had to use goto's and labels to reproduce the flow control of while and for loops when I was first learning so I just assumed the concepts had always existed in programming. It's a really interesting history how we got from doing math real fast to programming a world-wide near-real-time communications network so we can look at cat videos on the toilet. ...If you're into that sort of thing, I guess.