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shockingdevelopment OP t1_iy0vq81 wrote

What do you mean by morally opposed and doing anything about it?


DarkAlman t1_iy177vj wrote

The Chinese regime is extremely authoritarian, spies on it's own citizens, implemented a social credit system, arrests people without warrants, makes people disappear for going against the government, and there's a possible active genocide happening against the Uyghurs right now just to name a few.

The West typically wouldn't want to do business with a country like that but tolerates China and doesn't denounce them as much as they normally would because they are too afraid to lose the economic benefits.


shockingdevelopment OP t1_iy2pel3 wrote

Yknow, the US is best friends with Saudi Arabia.

And were And is avoiding Chinese technology even though it'd help them, as a move against China