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mb34i t1_j1xouxd wrote

Some places have a policy that the tips are shared. For example, at a restaurant the customer tips the server based on quality of food and quality of service, but the "effort" to make that food and present it wasn't just from the server / waiter, it was from the kitchen staff, too, and the dishwashers, etc. It's supposedly "fair" that they see some portion of the tip, too.


sakzeroone t1_j1xrivy wrote

With some pizza places, the driver collects all the money and has to pay back the amount owing for the food and they keep the they deliver 5 orders that cost $10 each, they pay the restaurant $50 and they keep any extra.


greatvaluemeeseeks t1_j1xvrpj wrote

It's called tip share; there's some inequities between the "back of the house" and "front of the house" when it comes to every restaurant. No matter how busy you are, the back of the house (along with some front of the house like bus boys and hosts) gets paid the same amount of money regardless of how hard they work. The wait staff gets paid more the busier they are since they are tipped employees, and more customers means more tips. To incentivize all employees to be more efficient, the restaurant takes some of the tips and redistributes it to all employees. Often they just take a percentage of credit card tips.


Rugfiend t1_j1z23sl wrote

Why 'supposedly'? People go to a restaurant to eat food primarily, and the quality and promptness of that execution is down to the kitchen. Good service is also important, but not the exclusive reason people tip. I've worked in hospitality 30+ years, and seen situations where an inexperienced teenage waiter/waitress takes home more total income than the head chef, due to an asinine belief that front of house deserve all the tips.


mb34i t1_j1z68oj wrote

It's fair that kitchen staff get some portion of the tips, but it's not fair the way tip culture is used to keep people's wages lower than what they should be. That's why I used "supposedly".


Rugfiend t1_j1z78db wrote

No need for the downvote mate, your wording was terrible - it literally reads as 'supposedly fair' that back of house gets a share.

I absolutely agree that subsidising poverty wages with customer generosity is shameful, as is people needing social security top-ups to subsidise tax-dodging megacompanies' shit wages.