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mb34i t1_j29v3h3 wrote

There are 10^20 atoms in a spoon of material, so trying to pass a spoonful of material through another spoonful of material is less like trying to pass a few ping-pong balls through the spaces in a volleyball net, and more like dumping a truck load of sand onto a beach full of sand. It won't sink.

There are 4 forces in the universe, and if you scroll that wiki article down a bit and look at the relative strength, electromagnetism is extremely much stronger than gravity. And the distances between atoms are very very tiny.

So everything feels "solid" because what you're looking at is forces that have the "push" and "pull" you would feel if you were 5 feet away from a black hole (take a black hole that has 10^36 Earth gravities (which is the strength of electromagnetism compared to gravity) and then go hang out as close as an atomic distance from it).