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tdscanuck t1_j6lgzkn wrote

We *don't* measure the temperature excluding humidity. We just measure the temperature. It's really easy. Temperature doesn't change with humidity.

What changes is how hot it *feels*...when the air is dry sweating works better and we feel cooler. When the air is humid sweating works badly and we feel hotter. But the actual temperature isn't changing.


ashjafaree t1_j6lk2ov wrote

>Temperature doesn't change with humidity

So why wet bulb and dry bulb is different


SoulWager t1_j6lnof4 wrote

If the humidity is less than 100%, water is evaporating from the wet bulb, and taking heat with it. If the humidity is 100%, dry bulb and wet bulb are the same temperature.

Low humidity means water evaporates more quickly, so heat gets sucked out more quickly.


ashjafaree t1_j6lul04 wrote

It mean that your Body temperature is getting low but environment temperature is same am I understand correct?