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Ansuz07 t1_j6043v0 wrote

Typically, no. The environment in the stomach is far too hostile to yeast to allow for the time required to ferment.

That said, there is a condition known as Auto-brewery syndrome where the stomach does not kill off the yeast fast enough and they do ferment some of the sugars, producing alcohol.


tdscanuck t1_j604un3 wrote

Generally no, baking kills yeast. What's in there when we eat it is almost certainly dead.

Even if it weren't, there's no way for the yeast to get into our blood, the worst they can do is eat the sugars in your stomach. Which they can totally do...don't eat a lot of live yeast, for this reason.



GalFisk t1_j6085uf wrote

Yeah, you can get auto-brewery syndrome, and get drunk just by eating carbs.

Actually, it's very rare and caused by other issues, because a well-functioning digestive system kills yeast cells.


Muslim_Nazi_Crip t1_j606wz0 wrote

I feel like the harsh acids in your stomach would disrupt the fermentation process. Plus fermentation takes time and it’s not the same as distillation, but anyway it doesn’t happen overnight it takes some time.


BGAL7090 t1_j60p85e wrote

That's why you chug a mixture of baking soda water solution and yeast to get the maximum amount of gaseous CO2 release


nhorvath t1_j62azd3 wrote

The yeast is killed by cooking. In the case of fermented beverages most of the yeast settles out before you drink it and you do not drink much yeast. Your stomach acid kills what you do drink.

If you straight up drank active yeast slurry and sugar water it probably could overwhelm your stomach acid and ferment in your stomach and intestines, producing a lot of gas (co2) and some alcohol, but probably not enough alcohol for you to notice any effects in the time it would be in your stomach/intestines. It would likely be very uncomfortable.


SonovaVondruke t1_j60krw8 wrote

As both a hobbyist baker and brewer, I can confirm that in (carelessly excessive) large quantities, active yeast can produce alarming amounts of gas and small quantities of alcohol in your system.

Don’t eat uncooked yeasted dough or drink actively fermenting beer and you shouldn’t ever run into that problem.


nhorvath t1_j62bc55 wrote

You shouldn't eat raw flour in general due to e. coli risks.