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mousicle t1_j5odonn wrote

The patch would replace a lot of old files if its a performance or bug fix patch. If it's a feature addition or new content then it would increase the size of the install.


redlunarwolff OP t1_j5odthl wrote

That makes sense. Thank you


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_j5pl2lt wrote

To clarify: That doesn't mean the space the game takes up is not going to change if there's no additional content.

The file size could grow or shrink depending on what the patch is doing.

Somewhat recently Apex Legends put out a patch that shrunk their install size from 90 gigs to about 50, and you can be sure they didn't remove half the game, they just optimized things.


MadisonDissariya t1_j5x7u3g wrote

Holy shit, 40 gigs of optimization? What did they do?? Were there a lot of redundant LODs or something?