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Yivanna t1_j69ouj1 wrote

I think your premise is wrong, but that could just be a language problem on my part. As to your actual question. When something has no solution 'no solution' is the solution. Try to devide any number by zero. The calculator will no just make up a number. When you do it manually the solution looks something like this: L={}


Leucippus1 t1_j6axc1d wrote

This isn't a great comparison, the problem with dividing by zero is it could be literally anything, it is ambiguous. To have zero in the denominator is to say "I haven't provided you the necessary information to extract a value from this ratio, therefore the value could be anything." Like if you were to say 1/2. I am saying "I have divided something exactly once evenly to produce two equal parts, and I have handed you 1 of those parts." 0/2 is saying "I divided something exactly once evenly to create two equal parts and I have given you zero of them." 1/0 is saying "Something was divided into equal parts but I don't know how many times and here is one of them." <-- that isn't enough information to create a rational number.

The square root of negative 1 is saying "in a real sense negative square roots can't exist, but if they did exist we can manipulate them in this way." It is similar to anything in a computer that is 'virtual', it literally doesn't exist but if we imagine they do we can still do interesting thing.


Yivanna t1_j6bwxgv wrote

His original post wasn't talking about square roots. I replied to his og version.