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t1_j6csk1c wrote

At nursing school currently and just learning about the renal system so here we go:

Kidneys detect low rate of liquid passing through them > release 'renin' which causes our brains to activate thirst centre in the brain, telling us to drink more.

At the same, this renin turns into another hormone, which releases yet another hormone (ADH/Anti diuretic hormone) which causes kidney tubes to become more permeable to water, thus increasing our water reabsorption. It also causes yet a further hormone to release that causes sodium retention, because water follows sodium so this causes further water reabsorption from the kidneys.

This is why your pee gets darker as dehydration sets in, because the water is getting sucked back up.

If you were plenty hydrated, your body will dump excess water because this whole process isn't happening.


t1_j6cv518 wrote

Renin is a hormone produced by the kidney which does as you say, but it is separate from rennin (also called rennet), which is the enzyme taken from calves’ stomachs and used to make cheese. Similar words, but not the same thing.


t1_j6cvqxv wrote

Oh!! Damn yeah you're right. Sorry its like midnight here 😅 I'll change the reply.

Thanks mate 🤙


t1_j6cu67c wrote

Wow, the body is fascinating!


t1_j6cuhyh wrote

It seriously is! When we learn all the intricate cells that keep us alive its mad. How if the millions of cells inside one tiny part of the kidneys form just because of the right balance of sodium, potassium and a heap lf other stuff, and how they follow this genetic blueprint to be made in the right place at the right time...

We are a walking sack of salty water miracles my friend