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waterbuffalosoldier t1_jac9dsl wrote

Sincere question here: do the snails really add much to the experience of eating escargot? I’ve eaten it once in Montreal and couldn’t help thinking the garlic, butter, etc really carried the dish and it would have been pretty much the same without the snails.


tommy0guns t1_jacuiw8 wrote

That’s exactly what I told my wife, who orders these any chance she gets. I let her go to town and then I scoop up the leftovers with a crostini.


PullTabPurveyor t1_jadg2fu wrote

They add a texture that the dish needs. I can’t think of many other meats that would add that texture without adding a strong flavor. But you’re right. Any time someone questions me for liking escargot, I just say “it just tastes like garlic and butter”.