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doesntmatterhadtacos t1_j93z0hh wrote

r/culinaryplating might appreciate this more :)


me_irl_irl_irl_irl t1_j94wos9 wrote

they would light this chef on fire and dance around the blaze like witches that just learned to fly


SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94al24 wrote

Maybe. They seem to hate it when there's an amount of food worth eating on a plate.


Thechampy1 t1_j94edxt wrote

Most places that plate like this serve multiple courses of a set menu. Lots of very small plates.


SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94gogw wrote

I did something like that on a cruise, but all of that food was prepared to look really cool and almost not food looking. Like these gumball sized and shaped poppable balls filled with pretty much mango juice. Unless this is supposed to be one of those appetizer parts, this is still a bit small for what we had for the "main" course series. I know it's the experience, but this should at least be condensed down to a smaller plate to make it look more the part. IMO of course. I'm no master chef. Just a guy that loves food. ❤️


Thechampy1 t1_j94gvl1 wrote

Oh I totally agree on the plate! Also a guy who loves food! ❤️