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Jedimaster996 t1_j8cmksg wrote

We don't think about you at all


canadas t1_j8cqkwq wrote

You don't have to, but I bet you are paying tax dollars for military operations there to make billionaires richer while you pay the price

Maybe you should start thinking?


Thundahcaxzd t1_j8deha4 wrote

> I bet you are paying tax dollars for military operations there

they definitely are, because I am also american lol


Jedimaster996 t1_j8cr016 wrote

Pay the price for what? To go to college for free, have my healthcare and retirement taken care of for me and my family for the next 80 years after retiring at 38 in a cushy tech job that the government paid for to train me in?

Oh the humanity.


NukeWarz t1_j8d00kt wrote

what fucking america do you live in??


Jedimaster996 t1_j8doqnk wrote

Referring to the military, where that's literally been my job from experience.