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Wrong-Syrup-8685 OP t1_ja4xyro wrote

And very creamy too!


TheBigNook t1_ja4yxs1 wrote

If you don’t mind me asking, what city is this? It looks nice. My wife and I are about to move and we are looking at like 5 different cities lol


Wrong-Syrup-8685 OP t1_ja5104o wrote

Please, do not go to this city hahahah. It's my hometown, but it's too dangerous. Natal, in Brazil. I do not live here anymore. Just came for vacation, and my family enslave me to cook for than hahahah a. Just kidding. But the city is too freaking dangerous.


TheBigNook t1_ja51avq wrote

Yo, yeah lmao we’re definitely staying within the continental US.

I do hate to hear about the crimes rates in Brazil. I feel it’s a beautiful country with a beautiful culture as well. Always hoping the best for these regions and I think we will see them improve within our lifetimes so long as people continue to educate and spread awareness.


Wrong-Syrup-8685 OP t1_ja523yd wrote

Oh, not. Brazil definitely have some peaceful places. It's a freaking huge place. Bigger than USA without Alaska. But cities like Rio, Salvador and Natal, are definitely not of then. It's like judging USA just for Detroit or new Orleans. Definitely dangerous places too, but not representative of all USA right. But yeah, I agreed with you. We deserve some peace hahahaha


TheBigNook t1_ja52lvn wrote

Very true! Yeah I should’ve worded that differently and specified that high population cities are what fit the description. It’s easy to forget how large Brazil is as well, I never think of it being bigger than the continental US but yeah it surely is.


LordSeltzer t1_ja655ug wrote

> s. It's a freaking huge place.

TIL Brazil is way bigger than I imagined. I thought maybe 2 New England. Maybe The size of France or Spain. South America looks a lot bigger in general with the size of Brazil under reconsideration.


Wrong-Syrup-8685 OP t1_ja78nuq wrote

Man. If you put the north most part of Chile (south America country) in Canada, the southernmost part will waaaaay past Cuba. Its a huuuge continent. Hahahahha


jakl8811 t1_ja5xc0m wrote

What cities you looking at? Before Covid I traveled close to 100% for work and have spent a lot of time in most US cities


TheBigNook t1_ja69mb9 wrote

Las Cruces NM, Richmond VA, Ann Arbor Michigan, Chico California, and Tucson Arizona (deffo bottom of the list). We’re just looking for a 1-2 bedroom to establish ourselves. We’re leaning towards Las Cruces NM but crime makes us pretty weary. We don’t plan on having kids or anything like that and we have two cats. Around 52k income and I’m in between jobs currently but make anywhere from 19k-30k in the service industry and we have like 6 thousand saved up with another 3-4 thousand by the time we move.


Wrong-Syrup-8685 OP t1_ja7bczd wrote

The future is in medium small cities. The big ones are too expensive and dangerous. Unfortunately.


libertasi t1_ja5aqla wrote

Come to Florianopolis!!


Wrong-Syrup-8685 OP t1_ja5bjcl wrote

Vish. Já tive uma namorada barriga verde e ja fui ai. Realmente é mais tranquilo. Mas em geral, tão cheia de bolsonaristas que chega dá agonia hahahha. Abraços.