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Skysis t1_j918lhh wrote

Looks good. How different is baked bacon vs fried?


Neat-Plantain-7500 t1_j91f5lr wrote

Baked in an oven is the only way to do it. 375f for 15-18 depending on crispiness.

And no splatter mess on the counter


invent_or_die t1_j91rm29 wrote

And it stays flat. Also, use cooling racks on the sheet to keep the bacon from sitting in grease.


glyneth t1_j93sekd wrote

We do 400F for 15, flip the bacon, and then back in for a long as needed to crisp up. Also start with a cold over to better render the fat!


ninjacereal t1_j91y2po wrote

I've never owned a Microwave until we bought a house last year, I always did bacon in the oven.

The microwave is just better.


WantedDadorAlive t1_j92hcal wrote

The what is just what???


ninjacereal t1_j92hn29 wrote

I said it. Microwaved bacon > Oven Baked > Air Fried > Pan Fried


Les-Freres-Heureux t1_j932ky8 wrote

I cant imagine bacon coming out of the microwave not still being raw


StabYourBloodIntoMe t1_j93jan6 wrote

It comes out fine if you want a couple pieces at a time and mic it long enough. A fucking waste of time though. Just slam a pound or two in the oven and use the microwave to reheat for a few seconds the next day.


glyneth t1_j93sikr wrote

Oven bacon was really good back when microwave ovens were huge and we could put a bacon rack in there. They’re now too small imo to do it well.


ninjacereal t1_j93xkdh wrote

It takes 3.5 minutes to have crispy microwave bacon, I do it ad hoc now (vs when I would oven bake two sheet pans to have cooked bacon for the week)


v3sk t1_j92absw wrote

It is the gold standard for me. It's bake-on, after all. A pan is convenient if you're just doing a strip or two but the oven is so fucking consistent and does as much as you want with no real effort.


koalasarentferfuckin t1_j91aty9 wrote

Baked bacon is awesome but you need to cook it on a rack so it's not stewing in it's own juices. Will not get crispy this way.


ownlife909 t1_j91gf3a wrote

It’s not stewing in its own juices. That’s rendered fat, it is frying in its own fat. That’s the ultimate way to get it crispy, if that’s what you want.


koalasarentferfuckin t1_j91looi wrote

Alright, I concede I misspoke but have you ever tried it on a rack? I have always got a crispier bacon on rack vs pan. Plus the added benefit of not being saturated in fat. If that's what you want.


ownlife909 t1_j9211gh wrote

My ideal bacon isn’t crispy. I prefer it to be fully rendered but have a little chew, and cooking in the fat is essential for that. Plus cleaning the rack sucks. But to each their own- not saying your way of doing it is wrong, I was just pointing out the juices vs fat difference.


koalasarentferfuckin t1_j92g9lh wrote

I'm with you actually but my wife loves crispy bacon so that's what we make. And I just dishwasher the rack which will probably garner even more downvotes.


StabYourBloodIntoMe t1_j93jolj wrote

Wanna really change your world? Sous vide the bacon at 147F for 12 hours and then bake in the oven. Stupid overkill but my god is it good slightly under-crispy.


glyneth t1_j93spyn wrote

I found the rack made the bacon too chewy. Not a fan.


badfish420km t1_j91jvph wrote

Lies! It's frying in its fat, not its juices. This is the best method for getting the crispiest of bacons.


glyneth t1_j93so4e wrote

Untrue!! You just need to flip it and maybe rotate it, depending on cold spots in the oven. Husband and I cook it on non-stick aluminum foil like this every weekend.