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leaponover t1_jdlkhzb wrote

Looks good but if it's Korean style garlic bread it'll have too much sugar :(


NightsWatch23 OP t1_jdn6xgu wrote

They love their sweets. We just respect that. 😊


OptimalShark11 t1_jdndc4b wrote

Yeah, every country has their own flavor preference. Reminds me of how Europeans think American bread is too sweet for them lol.

People can adjust the recipe to their liking too.


FabulousLastWords t1_jdn9467 wrote

Sugar and garlic are like oil and water in terms of flavor profiles. Might as well add some toothpaste in there.


NightsWatch23 OP t1_jdn9voq wrote

Good idea! Next time I'll add shrimp paste as well. Thats gonna be great combo


welchplug t1_jdndr5a wrote

Then why is garlic so good in a tomato sauce? Its full of sugar.