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ApplePie4all OP t1_jbl4zhi wrote

No pet in the house, could be my own hair but I did not see it when I ate. Weird...


Failure_by_Design_v2 t1_jblc8jv wrote

Eh...I have ate worse.


ColdStainlessNail t1_jbmu0as wrote

Have you heard how they make hot dogs?


Nandy-bear t1_jbo2pa2 wrote

Have YOU heard how they make hot dogs ? They tend to be fairly high quality. The "it's all buttholes" isn't a thing. I don't think it's ever been a thing.

There might be lower quality outliers because there always are.


charkol3 t1_jbmygw4 wrote

Im glad i went in to look for the hair because I noticed that the buns were toasted