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HorrorBusiness93 t1_jdyu8wg wrote

True but … getting completely baked off one 5 mg edible is like getting wasted off 2 beers


RagTheFireGuy t1_jdz47xz wrote

10 mg gets me pretty high tbh. I know people who do not like edibles because they need at least 100mg but all I need is 10-20mg to be ripped.


Priestly_Disco t1_je1aj10 wrote

15mg is my Happy spot. It's the perfect balance of happy, relaxed, and functioning when I game to relax. 20 and I feel too impaired to be functioning, which is the dose I take to just be stoned.


RagTheFireGuy t1_je1bl9t wrote

I also like edibles over smoking because u can measure your dose.


Priestly_Disco t1_je1c8uc wrote

My main perk is that it's a slow up and slow down. I swear I can rip a bong and get smashed quite immediately. My go to for just being high is eating a gummy and taking a few hits. Once the high from the pen or bong or whatever wears off, I'm good for hours.


DOCoSPADEo t1_je0upj8 wrote

For you maybe.

But remember, other people besides yourself also exist in this world.

5mg is enough for a first timer or somebody who hasn't touched it in 2 months to get "stoned"