Angrymeeseek t1_jegfn5p wrote
Sauce has left the chat*
C205- t1_jegl1an wrote
Pretty damn good, huh? Momofuku has amazing ones as well.
FriendoftheDork t1_jeglq63 wrote
I was wondering what Belly Bao was for a bit. I think I need to get off the internet ...
ssjjss t1_jegnkng wrote
Gonna need more sauce
[deleted] t1_jegpwm7 wrote
Quiet-Hamster6509 t1_jegroje wrote
Wow, they really left out the additional filling for those.
CompoBBQ OP t1_jegy8sf wrote
That's where these were from
rogerm3xico t1_jegyd30 wrote
Yo that looks like the most depressing taco I've ever seen. If I were on a date with a girl and got served some shit like this I would automatically not like her because I'm bad with my emotions and projection and shit but I'm glad you liked it. Really looks like some baby mozzarella wrapped around a piece of porkchop. But good for you. I'm glad you're and trying new safe things. That fent's a murderer. Really... good for you.
C205- t1_jegydqy wrote
I paid $8 a piece of them and I would do it again. And again. And again.
rogerm3xico t1_jegyiis wrote
And celery. Fuckin celery.
Quackcook t1_jeh50gz wrote
That may be delicious, but it ain’t no taco.
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