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Xeludon t1_itynqlo wrote

What's snickerdoodles, precious?


Ok-Explanation-8056 OP t1_ityu0mn wrote

They’re similar to sugar cookies, but rolled in a sugar/cinnamon mixture! Super yummy (PS, I love LOTR, I have the one ring scripture tattooed on my spine!)


Xeludon t1_ityy8ig wrote

Sugar cookies? I don't think I know what they are. 🤔


Ok-Explanation-8056 OP t1_ityywvc wrote

Chocolate chip cookies utilize both a combo of white and brown sugars, where sugar cookies will typically only utilize white sugar 🥰 Snickerdoodles are a white sugar base with a little bit of cream of tartar for a tartness to it. Super yummy!


Xeludon t1_itz1vzu wrote

Ooooo sounds good 😄

They taste good?

You should make them again, but put blueberries in the mix.