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wolan1337 t1_iu4mwjj wrote

Man all I see is bypass in the age of 30


BabyStockholmSyndrom t1_iu4yq00 wrote

Yea eating a large meal like this occasionally means he will need heart surgery at 30. You people and your food fear bullshit.


aminorman OP t1_iu4u892 wrote

Vegetarian's have bypasses too. The cholesterol your body uses is made by your liver not by the food you eat. If you're concerned about blockage at age 30 you should consult with your doctor about exercising regularly to raise your HDL.


dcdemirarslan t1_iu50k0t wrote

I suggest you take a good look at this before you spread potentially fatal information.


Chevy_Bowtie t1_iu4snin wrote

Straight up. This would easily feed my family of 4.


jokaghost t1_iu4u07i wrote

i am so sorry for them


Chevy_Bowtie t1_iu56y23 wrote

That’s not necessary, with a side of fruit and snacks between meals we get plenty to eat.
