c9belayer t1_ixk9ax0 wrote
Agreed. Where’s the money shot?!?
CurryGoddess t1_ixkkxug wrote
Want! Want! Waaaaaaannnnt! 🤤
KrustyKrabPizzza t1_ixkmdjt wrote
Bourekas if anyone is wondering. You can find them in Jewish groceries but they’re fairly easy to make.
ackbartrap t1_ixkss60 wrote
Piroshky, piroshky!
toshio_mask t1_ixlitgc wrote
Can post the recipe? Please
ProceedOrRun t1_ixlpndb wrote
I'm pretty sure there are many ethnic variations on the theme, especially cheese and onion. The magic duo.
george_banu t1_ixiao7u wrote
Mmmm no cross section?!