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t1_iy2z4oq wrote

Reply to comment by in Patty melt [homemade] by

If you're buying ground meat from places that you have to cook it to death to make it safe to eat, you're buying it from the wrong places.


t1_iy30pz6 wrote

No. Meat, like beef, has dangerous bacteria on its surface. Thats why eating raw beef is dangerous but eating rare beef is not.

When you grind meat, like when making a patty like in OP's pic, you essentially push those bacterias into the meat. At this point, just cooking the surface of the beef is no longer sufficient to safely consume it.


t1_iy6ef21 wrote

Well, fresh ground/minced beef at least hasn't had time for that bacteria to multiply within the portion. The danger isn't from the bacteria itself, but from the byproducts of its continued presence and propagation.

There is, I suppose, the option of shaving off the edges of the cut of meat and grinding the interior for absolute maximum safety.