slashfromgunsnroses t1_j25mran wrote
Reply to comment by Suprxeme in [homemade] Ethiopian fermented sour flatbread with beef stew, steak stew and potato stew by Ensyfair
So is the taste. Im not picky and I love weird tastes but this is just "not particularly interesting and somewhat weird".
trusttherabbit t1_j27pi6h wrote
I love trying new food and it’s rare I find a bread type I don’t enjoy eating.
Then I met Ethiopian fermented bread. I respect it but we don’t get along.
slashfromgunsnroses t1_j281k6x wrote
Same lol
I was excited to try it but the whole thing was just meh. It doesnt taste too bad, but iys just not interesting enough to put up with
evenmytongueisfat t1_j25wl0q wrote
I bet you eat tater tots every night.
Cognitive-Shadow t1_j268z7t wrote
I mean there are plenty of levels between eating tater tot’s and eating Ethiopian fermented bread. Also seems like that person has actually tried this before..which is way more than I would do
JUYED-AWK-YACC t1_j26bjyo wrote
It's just normal food, millions of people eat it.
NukeWarz t1_j26tryy wrote
yeah I mean every food is just food, some people aren't going to like it?
JUYED-AWK-YACC t1_j29n4hl wrote
Didn't say they didn't like it. They said they wouldn't try it, which is childish.
im-buster t1_j26pizl wrote
tastes like extra sour dough bread.
[deleted] t1_j263ot2 wrote
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