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t1_j2c4la5 wrote

So much nicer than Subway bread


t1_j2c7dai wrote

I can SEE the crunch this’ll make when cut into.

Subway don’t give you a crunch. You get a smoosh.


t1_j2drjb6 wrote

Subway bread was delicious when fresh and done right. The ingredients probably weren't the best or edible, but it was so good fresh.


t1_j2e8gaj wrote

Walking into a subway right at open, I don't care if its real bread or not, the smell was incredible.


t1_j2domub wrote

Cause it’s literally cake.


t1_j2e5xk4 wrote

I see people saying this, but what are people referring to? Bread can have sugar in it, and just because a country makes some harsh line for tax reasons doesn't mean it's not bread.

The "bread" doesn't contain yeast and is it not primarily flour?


t1_j2edeg4 wrote

Thank you. I'm so sick of this take, and people are only parroting it to shit on subway. Which is fine, shit on whatever you want, but its such a hurr durr brain dead take.

One country says its not bread, but lets ignore the part where literally every other country says it is bread


t1_j2djs2v wrote

Every year Subway costs more and the bread looks more like mental illness


t1_j2e3llw wrote

I almost have to eat there for work sometimes pro tip only get white bread its the most popular and most likely to be fresh.

Every time i get cheese bread its always hard and stale

Go to firehouse instead If possible


t1_j2fe5fy wrote

Idk, Subway is the only place I have around here that doesn't cost twenty fucking dollars for a sandwich.


t1_j2e4fqf wrote

Now if only you sell me that fully loaded fo bout 5-6 dollas 👍🤤


t1_j2ddkd9 wrote

I was gonna throw some shade and ask to see the subway uniform haha


OP t1_j2c9w27 wrote

Here’s the recipe! 😁

Ingredients: 2tbsp dry yeast 2 cups hot water 1tbsp salt 6 cups flour (divided) 1/2 cup warm water( for yeast) 3 tbsp sugar 5 tbsp vegetable oil 1 egg ( beaten)

Bake at 375, last a week can also freeze it for up to 3 months. Dissolve yeast in warm water ( I use kitchen aid mixer) mix 3 cups flour hot water sugar salt oil. Once combined slowly add yeast mixture then remaining 3 cups of flour 1 cup at a time til all mixed together. Let sit for 10-15 minutes, put on counter roll out to a rectangle shape half inch think cut into 4 long strips then your going to roll it form into shape put on cookie sheet. Score bread, use egg wash on top let rise for about 30- 40 minutes. I put little sprinkle of salt on it bake in over for about 15 minutes pull out add cheese and Italian seasoning (both Italian seasoning and cheese to your taste) bake for about 10 more minutes!

When bread comes out spread melted butter over top! 😁 Hope you enjoy!


t1_j2dblt5 wrote

2 tbsp dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water( for yeast)
1 tbsp salt
6 cups flour (divided)
2 cups hot water
3 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp vegetable oil
1 egg ( beaten)


  1. Bake at 375
  2. Dissolve yeast in warm water ( I use kitchen aid mixer)
  3. Mix 3 cups flour, hot water, sugar, salt, oil.
  4. Once combined slowly add yeast mixture then remaining 3 cups of flour 1 cup at a time til all mixed together.
  5. Let sit for 10-15 minutes, put on counter roll out to a rectangle shape half inch think cut into 4 long strips then your going to roll it form into shape put on cookie sheet.
  6. Score bread, use egg wash on top let rise for about 30- 40 minutes.
  7. I put little sprinkle of salt on it bake in over for about 15 minutes pull out add cheese and Italian seasoning (both Italian seasoning and cheese to your taste) bake for about 10 more minutes!

t1_j2egfwo wrote

How are you managing to get a carriage return without a double line space?

I have to separate my comment like so ↑ to get a carriage return. This sentence will stay on the same line despite a single [Enter] character separating it from the previous sentence.


t1_j2epz96 wrote

If you use the bullets or the numbers, it will appear like this (you still type the double breaks, they just get collapsed).


t1_j2epykh wrote

Numbered lists are done this way automatically. Just start a line with a number followed by a period and a space. Annoyingly this will also renumber your list, starting at 1. So if you make a list that counts down instead of up or in some other order it will get overridden

  1. <- I put two here
  2. <- three here
  3. <- one here

You can also make a bulleted list with *, +, or -

Also you can just make new lines by ending a line with 4 spaces before hitting enter
Like this


t1_j2crfpn wrote

I'd like to add a suggestion here, you can add Italian herbs directly to the dough itself whilst mixing and it gives a stronger taste when baked.

This is something I do regularly in my pizza bases too and it's really good!


t1_j2dowd7 wrote

Italian herbs and cheese bread without listing those in the ingredients 😅


t1_j2chum2 wrote

I need more details on how to: "slowly ass yeast mixture."


t1_j2cgebb wrote

What % hydration is it?

Edit: Downvoted for a valid question because but nobody in this sub knows how to cook so they dont understand it.


t1_j2d0t8h wrote

costco chicken bake doppelganger


t1_j2dqq4m wrote

Excuse me, Costco sells something as glorious looking as this??? With Chicken too??


t1_j2e0pt0 wrote

They are the best thing in the world.


t1_j2flqiq wrote

They used to be. They haven't been the same since they came back after they closed the food courts for COVID.


t1_j2fn03g wrote

Agreed, I don’t buy them from the food court anymore. I just buy the box and make them at home in the air fryer.


t1_j2bwdiv wrote

This feels like getting an item too early in a video game


t1_j2dr6h1 wrote

This looks so much like the rosemary parmesan bread at Jersey Mike's. I think I know what I'm getting for lunch today. They look so professional. Well done!


t1_j2cpzgl wrote

Subway has been real quiet since bossmombaker dropped this one 🔥


t1_j2cmola wrote

Now, where are the meatballs, marinara, and the American cheese. This looks so nice btw.


t1_j2duaam wrote

Seems like you're a bread God from your other posts, kinda jealous. Can I request a sandwich to be made?


t1_j2ehxoj wrote

I would love to overeat on that.


t1_j2ci7kd wrote

Now this is FoodPorn, Haha! this looks so freaking good I want it now


t1_j2did7v wrote

Looks amazing. No long proofing? Maybe making this today!


t1_j2e0rpq wrote

I thought you made a homemade costco chicken bake!


t1_j2eii3r wrote

That looks amazing! I love to cook but I’m not a very good baker. I can almost smell this bread 🤤.


t1_j2f28pi wrote

Holy shit...

... Thank you so much. I LOOOOOVE that bread.


t1_j2f2lwl wrote

Wow 🤩! Looks delicious. Great work. What kind of sandwich did you end up making with them?


t1_j2fgoaw wrote

I much prefer Jersey Mike's Rosemary Parm bread to subways Herb and Cheese

Not to take away from yours, it looks delicious!

But try rosemary Parm and let us know how you like it!


OP t1_j2fgumi wrote

Ooo! That sounds really good! I will definitely have to try that one! Thank you!


t1_j2fgxbe wrote

Definitely thought that was a much nicer looking Costco chicken bake


t1_j2fkav7 wrote

I thought this was a Costco chicken bake, but homemade gourmet.


t1_j2fm0c5 wrote

Damn yummy!!! Looks like the one from subway! You did a great job 👏🏽


t1_j2fnpqu wrote

Hey I really love this. I also really love you! Wanna know why? Because you’re a great person and this post is beautiful, I hope 2023 is your year.

This also applies to everyone reading this now!


t1_j2d9wd4 wrote

Am Irish.....need to know percentage of sugar used before I can safely label this as bread....


t1_j2dhhxt wrote

In Italy this bread is known as herbs & cheese bread


t1_j2e6ki6 wrote

In Italy this is known as

No, it is not known. It's 100% American.


t1_j2ckq4o wrote

this is very italoamerican. never seen in todays italy


t1_j2defh9 wrote

They're not saying it's Italian, that's literally the name of the product they're reproducing at home. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Subway trademarked it by this point.