AMasonJar t1_iwhmmhf wrote
Reply to comment by Droidlivesmatter in [Image] Calvin and Hobbes tells it like it is by maayangor
A 9-5 that actually develops into something is kind of the key there. A lot of people have pretty dead end 9-5s. And some of them can fix that. In tech especially, that upwards mobility is actually fantastic and often understated. Spend a couple years building experience at a job, then jump upwards to the next (you're rarely going to see a promotion that's equivalent if you stay internal).
But not everyone works in tech. And some dreams just don't lend themselves to a very good 9-5, some are things that have to be done on the side first before they can even take off into something sustainable full time.
Finding a job you don't hate, that keeps you alive, becomes the important thing then. That isn't so easy in the modern day though, when unskilled jobs haven't kept up in pay at all, yet too many people treat them like they haven't changed since even just a few decades ago when they actually could support you.
It's a rough age for dreamers. I'm doing well enough. But many aren't.
AMasonJar t1_iu7i91l wrote
Reply to comment by bigbysemotivefinger in [WP] "I WILL NOT LISTEN TO THIS ANY LONGER" "But Your Majesty, the prophe-" "You want me to send a GODDAMN TEENAGER TO FIGHT WHEN WE HAVE TRAINED SOLDIERS" by JustLostInInternet
They always kick out the prophet before he can say the part of the prophecy about how the king is going to kick out the prophet and get all his own men killed.
AMasonJar t1_ir241yn wrote
Reply to comment by DiogenesStudent in [Image]Patience and motivation. by Ok_Chocolate_3480
Why the hell do they get paid so low? I thought it was a fairly high skill job? Not to mention the responsibility..
AMasonJar t1_ir23we0 wrote
Reply to comment by InAFakeBritishAccent in [Image]Patience and motivation. by Ok_Chocolate_3480
From crop dusting to crop fertilizing
AMasonJar t1_iqx6t0c wrote
Reply to comment by BillyBobBanana in [Image] You can rise up from anything! by sasigona
What difference does that make? Go "determine" yourself a better life then
AMasonJar t1_j2fe5fy wrote
Reply to comment by blandsrules in [homemade] Italian herbs and cheese bread. by bossmombaker
Idk, Subway is the only place I have around here that doesn't cost twenty fucking dollars for a sandwich.