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t1_j1ex81a wrote

For the unaware: kofte is actually pronounced "CHOF-tuh". I asked a lady at a Mediterranean restaurant once if it was KOF-tee or KOFE-tee and was surprised by her answer.


t1_j1fh3h4 wrote

AFAIK köfte is turkish, and not pronounced in any of the ways you mentioned. here are some good examples

That being said, I’m sure there is a greek way of saying it too, which might be what that lady told you


OP t1_j1ezbjm wrote

Don't worry- I can barely speak English but I can order a grilled meat product and a beer like a native in 50 languages!


t1_j1fige4 wrote

"Excuse me waiter? There appears to be kofta in my tzatziki roll."

But for real this is making me think I should make kofta again.


t1_j1epwqe wrote

Honest question: what’s goat taste like, any other meats you can compare it to?


OP t1_j1ex4gx wrote

It is rich, like beef, but with the texture of lamb. It is criminally underused. Tbh, thos came across more in the last goat I had- which was a Jamaican style curry as it was chunks rather than a kofte. This was still awesome though.


t1_j1hnhht wrote

Caribbean curried goat is amazing!


OP t1_j1hrtnq wrote

It was so good And it was in Scotland. I can only imagine how good it gets when you get it from a place where you can actually pick and choose the suppliers for the best produce rather than just having that one place that does goat.


t1_j1hv226 wrote

I used to work with several guys that were from the islands. They brought me all kinds of amazing food


t1_j1ec094 wrote



OP t1_j1eec25 wrote

It was borough market in London. I ate my weight in other street foods too. Goat is raaaare in the UK, and I love it. So it had to get got.