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J_Holbie t1_j6a42d1 wrote

Makes me wish I wasn't allergic to squash.


MissNikitaRay OP t1_j6a4qjt wrote

Ahhh sorry to hear you are :( it’s one of my favorite vegetables!


J_Holbie t1_j6a5yds wrote

Mine also I found out by eating too much squash soup. This looks beautiful 😍 and I would probably eat it and deal with the allergy.


AKnightAlone t1_j6a8vmc wrote

Feels so strange to see such elaborately placed food, but I like the idea. I've always enjoyed some occasional artistic effort and/or perfectionism when I mess around with food.


flouronmypjs t1_j6b7wre wrote

That looks like a special dish! Do you remember what the different preparations of squash were?


MissNikitaRay OP t1_j6edzxq wrote

I do not but it’s the dish from a restaurant named Eclipses in Paris. Maybe they have a good explanation on their website / menu


T_Kt t1_j6ctpsw wrote

I’m sure it was good, but the presentation annoys the shit outta me